The pandemic has made vulnerabilities in the pharma supply chain more prominent, with drug manufacturers increasingly pressured to be held accountable and responsible for medicine quality and provenance. A recent study found that 9 in 10 patients want to verify a medication is not counterfeit nor tampered with and confirm temperature sensitive medications have stayed within the prescribed range.
How can pharma supply chains ensure end-to-end traceability and secure data management in today’s climate of unexpected change? Zuellig Pharma, one of the largest healthcare services groups in Asia whose mission is to make healthcare more accessible, presents eZTracker – a live blockchain solution that has helped empower pharma principals, healthcare professionals and patients to track and trace products’ authenticity and temperatures in real-time.
This session will address:
• How blockchain is used to improve enterprise processes for end-to-end traceability
• Some of today’s challenges in pharma supply chain and what can be done to help pharma manufacturers with quality assurance and secure data integration
• What the gold standard of supply chain traceability would look like for the pharma industry and today’s live use cases