Digital Harmony
Revolutionising Data, System Interconnectivity and Adopting Emerging Technology for the Lab of the Future

February 25 - 26, 2025 | Amsterdam Marriott Hotel

Agenda Day 1

8:00 am - 8:30 am Registration & Coffee

8:35 am - 8:45 am Chairperson's Opening Address and Live Polling

John Egerton - Executive Director, Client Partner EMEA, Astrix

John Egerton

Executive Director, Client Partner EMEA

When we discuss digital transformation, we don’t often mention the adaptation that must occur. Our systems and people, both analogue and digital, both new and old, must get to grips with new systems and more advanced data analytics. Older and bespoke systems may remain useful despite a growing focus on the digital, and needless forcing of them into the digital realm can do more harm than good. However, digitalisation must be built on digital interconnectivity and adapting older equipment to new digitalised systems is vital. Rather than focusing on the next tech solution, businesses can take a step back and ask what innovation can come from the environment around them, because as you transform systems, you must adapt yourselves.

Discovering which systems can undergo adaptation and which must be transformed helps to keep costs low and provide a focus on our digital priorities. Furthermore, each industry can remain insular in its practices, by engaging with different perspectives challenge yourself to find true digital harmony. Join this panel of experts as we discuss:

·       Adapting legacy systems that cannot be removed to fit new digital ecosystems

·       Ensuring new tools are implemented innovatively to maximise their cost-efficiency

·       Building interconnectivity into older systems and introducing adaption layers of digital communication

·       Upgrading skillsets and generating buy-in to ensure your workforce is digitally capable

·       Creating realistic and believable transformation plans that prioritise the efficiency of the upgrade


Michael Lang

Global Head of Business Excellence & Transformation
Boehringer Ingelheim


Tom Trolez

Director of Global Data & Analytics Solution Delivery


Gonzalo Alvarez

Global Business IT Leader - R&D

9:30 am - 10:00 am From Wet to Dry Labs: Transforming R&D through Digitalization, Automation and AI Readiness

Join our talk to explore the transformative potential of digitalization and automation from R&D to manufacturing. This session will examine how advanced data capture and standardization techniques are paving the way for AI-ready data, enabling and acceleration the digital transformation.

We are entering a new era where drugs are discovered in-silico, in 'dry labs,' using intelligent engines trained with experimental data and digital twins. However, the effectiveness of these models hinges on the quality of the data used to train them. While vast amounts of data and metadata are being collected, it is crucial that this data is correctly formatted. Companies adopting scientific data platforms that standardize and prepare data for AI are overcoming significant bottlenecks in digital transformation, leading to faster delivery of better and faster products to market.

We will present examples of how we assist the industry with AI and automation readiness, ELN and LIMS decommissioning and consolidation, and provide the digitalization layer to self-driving labs and factories.

10:05 am - 10:35 am One-To-One Business Meetings & Networking

10:40 am - 11:10 am One-To-One Business Meetings & Networking

10:05 am - 10:35 am Cobots And Collaboration: Automating Simple Tasks for Efficiency, Safety and Precision

11:15 am - 11:45 am Bottom to Top Transformation: Understanding Scientists Needs to Meet your Digitalisation Goals

Nils Hoffmann - Director Future Testing and Methods Development, Beiersdorf
Shirin Keyhanian - Global Director, Medical Management, Beiersdorf

As the wheel of lab transformation turns, there is an ever-increasing pressure to digitalize faster, to reach the point of automation sooner. But rushing down your roadmap leaves you vulnerable to the pitfalls of change management: Underprepared technicians and scientists can sabotage change from within, whether it is by poor data entry or a lack of adoption, digital transformation cannot happen without buy-in from the hands that hold the equipment.

 Join us for this comprehensive guide on how to direct digitalisation strategies effectively and cooperate with those your digitalisation effects the most.

·       Effectively managing your scientists and technicians’ engagement with digitalisation

·       Learn how to draw on past experiences of digital transformation to defeat change fatigue.

·       Examine how to get differing labs digitalisation at the same pace, and how to solve differences when one falls behind

·       Building consensus for Lab changes from the ground-up, and converting scientist enthusiasm into c-suite buy-in

·    Ensuring smooth transitions between the stages of digitalisation via stakeholder buy-in from across the business


Nils Hoffmann

Director Future Testing and Methods Development


Shirin Keyhanian

Global Director, Medical Management

11:45 am - 12:15 pm The Rising Sea: Where technology is rising to meet the need for laboratory innovation

In the face of a rising sea of data, complexity, and global demands, the laboratory must find new ways to evolve. This presentation will dive into how cutting-edge technologies are reshaping the way R&D and Quality laboratories collaborate, innovate, and achieve operational excellence. Through real-world impact stories attendees will learn how unified LIMS, AI, GenAI, Search and IoT are raising the level of success, and the impact laboratories have on the organisations they serve.

12:20 pm - 12:50 pm One-To-One Business Meetings & Networking

12:50 pm - 1:40 pm Interactive Networking Lunch

12:20 pm - 12:50 pm Collaborative Solution Labs
John Egerton - Executive Director, Client Partner EMEA, Astrix

Join your colleagues in collaborating on digitalisation problems submitted before the event by the delegates themselves! Put what you have learned throughout the day to use, and problem solve across the industry.


John Egerton

Executive Director, Client Partner EMEA

1:40 pm - 2:10 pm One-To-One Business Meetings & Networking

2:15 pm - 2:45 pm One-To-One Business Meetings & Networking

2:15 pm - 2:45 pm Overcoming The Safety and Environmental Concerns of Lab Staff Through the Digitisation of The Lab Chemical Waste Management Process

2:50 pm - 3:20 pm Bridging the Scientific and Human Experience in the Modern Laboratory Ecosystem

The modern laboratory ecosystem requires a seamless integration of software, technology, processes, and people. This integration is imperative to accomplish the overall goals of advancing research and innovation, but also to improve day to day efficiencies like ease of cross-collaboration, improved processes, and increased productivity.

Join Thermo Fisher Scientific digital leadership to discuss how the key themes of laboratory productivity: data analytics & AI, laboratory automation & robotics, and laboratory software & data management tools are all necessary elements in developing a successfully connected ecosystem and bridging the scientific and human experience in the modern-day laboratory environment.

• Implementing cutting-edge software and tools for workflow optimization

• Utilising AI and automation to enhance operational efficiency and data accuracy

• Integrating laboratory systems to create a cohesive, efficient environment

• Maintaining consistent quality and minimising errors in laboratory processes

3:20 pm - 3:50 pm No Size Fits All: Transferring Digital Automation Strategies into an Analogue World for Efficient Workflows

Bruno Betoni Parodi - Scientific Director, BASF

Within the digital world of A.I. and ML, it is easy to get lost in the science of data modelling, rather than using an engineer’s eye to connect and automate systems. When automating with A.I. the magic can only happen when you have integrated the interface of these systems with one another. However every lab is different, and each will present a new set of challenges to automation. The only approach to automation is to balance the digital modelling with engineering direction.

Join this session to understand:

  • Creating simple ML and A.I. foundations for troubleshooting clarity
  • Piloting new A.I. and ML methods on currently automated labs.
  •  Standardizing data collection from differing systems to provide clean and clear data and metadata
  • Closing the gap between a labs automative potential and how its systems are capable of fitting together

Bruno Betoni Parodi

Scientific Director

3:55 pm - 4:25 pm One-To-One Business Meetings & Networking

4:40 pm - 5:10 pm Shaking Hands: Building Cooperation Between Departments for A Seamless Development Journey
Jill Jones - Head of Formulation and Processing, Imperial Brands

Jill Jones

Head of Formulation and Processing
Imperial Brands

4:30 pm - 5:00 pm One-To-One Business Meetings & Networking

5:05 pm - 5:35 pm Embedding Automation in the Lab’s DNA: Creating End-to-End Automation for Process Optimisation

David Öling - Director - Molecular Biology and Recombinant Protein Production, AstraZeneca

Developing end-to-end automation is often seen as an end goal of digital automation, but it requires both a deep technical understanding, and collaboration across all stakeholders of the business. Join this session to explore the end-to-end automation journey with key examples, and the construction of a digital platform to drive continuous process improvement. Beyond the technical aspects, the session will highlight the importance of cross-functional leadership in navigating the complexities of such a multidisciplinary project, as well as how to lead adoption of these technologies among scientists and technicians.


·       Explore the design and implementation of an automated DNA assembly pipeline, including request management, liquid handling, Nanopore sequencing, and global IT integration.

·       Learn strategies for leading multidisciplinary teams, mentoring junior scientists, and fostering collaboration.

·       Discover how best to lead project development between both internal and external stakeholders.


David Öling

Director - Molecular Biology and Recombinant Protein Production

5:40 pm - 6:25 pm The Code of the Lab Driving the Low-Code and No Code Experience

5:40 pm - 6:25 pm If You Are Not Digitally Born You Better Be Digitally Made. Fast.
Cinzia Berrittella - Enterprise Architect / Information & Data, Nouryon

Cinzia Berrittella

Enterprise Architect / Information & Data

5:40 pm - 6:25 pm Escaping the Data Silo: Collaborating with Data Workflows for R&D Brilliance
Alejandra Hernandez Segura - Associate Director of Discovery Data Engineering, Genmab

Alejandra Hernandez Segura

Associate Director of Discovery Data Engineering

6:30 pm - 6:45 pm Closing Remarks From The Chair

John Egerton - Executive Director, Client Partner EMEA, Astrix

John Egerton

Executive Director, Client Partner EMEA

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Networking Drinks Reception