Digital Harmony
Revolutionising Data, System Interconnectivity and Adopting Emerging Technology for the Lab of the Future

February 25 - 26, 2025 | Amsterdam Marriott Hotel

Agenda Day 2

8:00 am - 8:30 am Registration & Coffee

8:30 am - 8:40 am Welcome & Opening Remarks from the Chair

John Egerton - Executive Director, Client Partner EMEA, Astrix

John Egerton

Executive Director, Client Partner EMEA

While there are endless solutions for transformation in the digital space, it is the responsibility of lab leaders to drive transformation in the physical space. Creating organizational buy-in, cross-coordinating between departments and spreading new systems to all labs can become tremendous challenges if the organisation needs to be fought every step of the way. The primary challenge of digitalisation then, is not the digital but the analogue, if you cannot transform your organisation and help your technicians to succeed, no amount of new digital tools will improve efficiency.

Join this panel to listen as our experts discuss how to how to secure organizational buy-in. From discussing how best to drive cooperation between departments to comprehending the personal side of digital transformation join this expert panel as it explores:

•       Building use cases for new digitalisation technology to improve C-suite support and investment

•       Keeping transformation personal, and ensuring it improves employee efficiency first and foremost

•       Transforming systems from the ground up, building modular showcases to spread effective digitalisation strategies across your company

•       Engaging with the human side of digital transformation and respecting the hands that hold the tools

•       Cooperating across departments to create a strategic view of change management


Stephanie Aladenise

Transformation Director, Laboratories


Alexander Jung

Federated Data Value Office Lead - Global Development
Boehringer Ingelheim


Radosław Baran

Global Head of FSQ Digital & Automation
Kraft Heinz


Stephan Gruendemann

Head of Analytical Chemistry, Contrast Media Research

9:30 am - 10:00 am The Human-Robot Partnership: Redefining Roles in Tomorrow’s Laboratories

Mettler Toledo and ABB have been conducting extensive Voice of Customer research focused on laboratory robotics, automation, sample preparation, instrument tending, and the handover of routine tasks to cobot companions.

This presentation will share key insights gathered from comprehensive interviews with industry experts about how they are starting to transform their laboratory workflows with robotics.

Real-world examples of scalable, future-proof automation solutions will be shared, identifying the key drivers and success factors for successful integration to reduce bottlenecks, engage employees and transform laboratory environments.

Discover how strategic collaboration and customer insights can lead to tackling the challenges of today’s laboratory landscape and driving innovation in automation practices

• Aligning robotics with your teams’ goals to eliminate tasks that are pure manual labor

• Tackling the implementation of robotics in older labs, and learning how to make simple robotics work with pre-existing systems

• Explore minor robotic implementations that allow you to dip a toe into the future of lab automation

• Integrating robotic systems into instrument data collection to build further cases for automation

10:05 am - 10:35 am One-To-One Business Meetings & Networking

10:40 am - 11:10 am One-To-One Business Meetings & Networking

10:05 am - 10:35 am Harnessing AI, ML and Automation in the Modern Laboratory Ecosystem

10:40 am - 11:10 am Collaborative Solution Labs
John Egerton - Executive Director, Client Partner EMEA, Astrix

John Egerton

Executive Director, Client Partner EMEA

11:15 am - 11:45 am Building Your Digital Dictionary: Translating Business Needs into Digital Solutions to Enable The Lab of the Future

Eric Schütte - Associate Director Digital Solutions R&D Lab, BioNTech
Florian Krieb - Director Global R&D Digital Laboratories, BioNTech

Process digitalisation often begins from the top down, a new idea or systems is required for the wider enterprise to function, and so digitalisation occurs, forcing buy-in and difficulty every step of the way. However, this is a solution first approach, innovation comes in the solving of problems, not in the forcing of solutions. Working from business critical needs to translate the most pressing lab difficulties into the best digital solutions is where the true path to digital harmony lies.

Join this dual presentation to uncover:

·       Identifying business needs to determine the most efficient applications of digitalisation

·       Creating roadmaps for Lab of the Future transformation

·       Cooperating across the value chain to enable business needs to be identified


Eric Schütte

Associate Director Digital Solutions R&D Lab


Florian Krieb

Director Global R&D Digital Laboratories

11:45 am - 12:15 pm F.A.I.R Foundations: Laying the Groundwork for Innovative Lab Analytics with FAIR Data Collection

Lovisa Holmberg Schiavone - Director Protein Science, Discovery Biology, Discovery Sciences, AstraZeneca

The basis of analytics rests on the data we collect, but creating these innovative solutions relies on generating buy in from across all data stakeholders. Generation of well annotated data management workflows will enable building predictive models that can be used to drive future automation, and therefore the laying the foundations of them in data collection is vital. Join this session to uncover the links between well-annotated and findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable data and predictive modelling in the future.

·       Discuss how to drive buy-in for well-annotated and FAIR data across the business

·       Uncover the foundations of advanced predictive analytics

·       Enhance the quality of your data collection


Lovisa Holmberg Schiavone

Director Protein Science, Discovery Biology, Discovery Sciences

12:20 pm - 12:50 pm One-To-One Business Meetings & Networking

12:20 pm - 12:50 pm The Tool Will Change, The Problem Will Not: Staying Savvy in a World of Ever-Changing Data Solutions
Tom Trolez - Director of Global Data & Analytics Solution Delivery, Novartis

Tom Trolez

Director of Global Data & Analytics Solution Delivery

12:55 pm - 1:55 pm Interactive Networking Lunch

2:00 pm - 2:30 pm One-To-One Business Meetings & Networking


2:35 pm - 3:05 pm One-To-One Business Meetings & Networking

2:35 pm - 3:05 pm The Data Must Flow: Future Proofing Lab Systems to Provide Foresight into your Future Digital Ecosystem
Francesc Fernández Albert - Senior Director R&D Data Science, Almirall

Francesc Fernández Albert

Senior Director R&D Data Science

3:10 pm - 3:40 pm Creating the Digital Passport: Building Data Interoperability into your System to Enable Chain-Wide Innovation

Alexander Jung - Federated Data Value Office Lead - Global Development, Boehringer Ingelheim

Data scientists sit downstream of lab data collection, yet their ability to analyse data and model test results is vital to the functioning of the modern lab. Furthermore, standardised, interoperable, and contextualised data is the backbone of modern innovation. Scientists, technicians, and researchers are naturally predisposed to innovating with their systems and experiments, but the cost of building use cases and the difficulty of analysing data from across the business can leave these innovative ideas to flounder. By building truly interoperable data systems into lab digitalisation, you can enable innovation across the entire chain. When each stakeholder has true digital citizenship, they are empowered to use their data to benefit the business, from large-scale transformation to the construction of the next big use-case.

Join this plenary presentation to discover how to build innovative potential into your data journey.

  • Exploring the pivotal role high quality data plays in laying the groundwork for future innovation
  • Giving tools to your technicians to enable the building of cost-effective use cases
  •  Promoting data citizenship to allow for chain-wide innovation
  • Giving the next generation of innovators the data tools to succeed

Alexander Jung

Federated Data Value Office Lead - Global Development
Boehringer Ingelheim

3:40 pm - 3:55 pm Chairpersons Closing Remarks and Final Polling Discussion

John Egerton - Executive Director, Client Partner EMEA, Astrix

John Egerton

Executive Director, Client Partner EMEA