Agenda Day 2

8:00 am - 8:30 am Registration and Coffee

8:35 am - 8:45 am Chairperson’s Opening Address

8:40 am - 8:45 am Live Polling

8:45 am - 9:30 am INDUSTRY PERSPECTIVES PANEL: Transformation Management: Tackling the Analogue Side of Lab Digitalization

Polina Ware - Global Director Technology & Innovation, PPG
Alexander Horspool - Associate Director of Innovation - Biotherapeutics Discovery, Boehringer Ingelheim

While there are endless solutions for transformation in the digital space, it is the responsibility of lab leaders to also drive transformation in the physical space. Creating organisational buy-in, cross-coordinating between departments, and spreading new systems to all labs, can become tremendous challenges if the organisation needs to be fought every step of the way.

Join this panel to gain expert insight into how to secure organisational buy-in, then split into smaller groups at our discussion tables to consider how these strategies can be applied to your specific industry. With the framework of the panel discussion in place, smaller groups can dive deeper into the ideas brought up with the panellists, and your peers:

•       Building use cases for new digitalization technology to guarantee C-suite support and investment

•       Transforming systems from the ground up, building modular showcases to spread effective digitalization strategies across your company

•       Finding pain points and working backwards to implement digital tools that improve laboratory efficiency

•       Cooperating across laboratories to take a strategic view of digitalization

•       How each industry approaches digitalization and what they can learn from one another


Polina Ware

Global Director Technology & Innovation


Alexander Horspool

Associate Director of Innovation - Biotherapeutics Discovery
Boehringer Ingelheim

9:30 am - 10:00 am PRESENTATION: Smart Labs, Smarter Robots: How to Utilize your Robotic Potential and Minimize Manual Labor

As lab leaders face increasing demands for faster product production and higher standards of accuracy, automating mundane manual tasks becomes increasingly important. Leaving technicians and scientists free to conduct the complex intellectual processes key to the discovery and testing of new products would be

an efficiency transformation; but for years robotics has been a huge question mark for many labs. Implemented correctly, robotics can be a true driver of process

optimization. Join this innovative case study to hear about the journey of automating with robotics:

•       Aligning robotics with your team’s goals to eliminate tasks that are pure manual labor

•       Tackling the implementation of robotics in older labs, and learning how to make simple robotics work with pre-existing systems

•       Explore minor robotic implementations that allow you to dip a toe into the future of lab automation

10:05 am - 10:35 am One-To-One Business Meetings & Networking

10:40 am - 11:10 am One-To-One Business Meetings & Networking

10:05 am - 10:35 am THINK TANK: Understanding The IT Footprint: How to Ensure New Tools Fit Workflows and Produce Value


11:10 am - 11:40 am PRESENTATION: Great Expectations: Standardizing Your Data to Build the Foundations of the A.I. Future

Yves Fomekong Nanfack - Executive Director, Head of End-to-End AI Foundations, Sanofi

Artificial intelligence is going to remain a cornerstone of lab automation until labs are being operated with the lights off. However, for many, use cases and system wide adoption take time to build so the idea of an automated lab lies far in the future. This is a future that will only be reached if the foundations can be laid early. If the high volume of data labs collect can be standardized and annotated correctly. If reasonable explanations can be rolled out so that modular A.I adoption can spread across the industry. If methodology between experimental and computational teams can be standardised. Join this plenary to learn:


·       Sharing methods between different teams to allow for adoption of modular A.I. methods

·       Coordinating collaboration between experimental and computational teams that standardize workflows and unite teams implementing A.I.

·       Annotating and cleaning data so that future A.I. models can be easily scaled and tested

·       Spreading successful cases between research and lab teams to test upcoming models in differing environments


Yves Fomekong Nanfack

Executive Director, Head of End-to-End AI Foundations


Peter Crayton

Vice President Quality & Food Safety North America
Kraft Heinz


Anita Bawa

Quality Site Head
Allogene Therapeutics


Esra Duman

Sr. Director, Strategy and Governance Excellence
Bristol Myers Squibb

12:25 pm - 12:55 pm PRESENTATION: Building your Rosetta Stone: Translating Business Needs into Digital Solutions to Enable the Lab of the Future

12:55 pm - 1:55 pm LUNCH

1:55 pm - 2:25 pm One-To-One Business Meetings & Networking

2:30 pm - 3:00 pm One-To-One Business Meetings & Networking

1:55 pm - 2:25 pm THINK TANK: Scaling Data Interpretation at the Same Speed as Data Generation for a Harmonious Lab

2:30 pm - 3:00 pm THINK TANK: Swift and Robust: How Can you Pre-Build Problem Solving into the Lab of the Future

3:00 pm - 3:30 pm One-To-One Business Meetings & Networking

3:35 pm - 4:20 pm PANEL DISCUSSION: FAIR Play: Standardizing and Automating Data Flows for Operational Success

4:20 pm - 4:55 pm FIRESIDE CHAT: Looking Forward, Looking Back: Evaluating Past Transformations to Create Future Roadmaps