Beyond Big Data: Smart Data for Driving Scientific Discovery
Data can both empower as well as overwhelm scientists. The “5 V’s” represent the most common big data challenges facing scientists today: volume, velocity, value, veracity and variety. Demands for storage, making data accessible, and providing the appropriate means to collaborate have made the pursuit of data integration and the exploration of new tools a high priority in scientific research. New tools and expertise are needed for deep data exploration, and to transform big data into smart data. Ideal tools incorporate interactive, visual capabilities for data analysis, which empower scientists to easily see trends, patterns, outliers and unanticipated relationships in complex data with unprecedented speed and adaptability.
In this webinar, you will learn about an extensible data visualization platform, which can be customized for Omics and SAR analyses using two components:
- A chemistry module, adding chemical intelligence to an analysis, enabling the visualization of chemical structures alongside other data in the creation of SAR tables, and interactive dashboards. Key functionality includes: chemical structure viewing and filtering, R-group decomposition, substructure searching and more.
- An Omics module, which adds downstream analysis tools for functional and comparative analysis--as well as guided workflows--for differential gene expression, allowing the exploration of dynamically linked visualizations and the extraction of biological knowledge from annotations about genes and pathways. Key functionality includes: tools for functional enrichment, gene-set enrichment, data integration and comparison, micro-RNA target gene integration and more.