Accelerating the biopharma lifecycle management with Industry 4.0

Find out why more than 60 per cent of biopharma organizations still manage their critical process steps with paper and Microsoft Office

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Pharma IQ
Pharma IQ


The Covid-19 pandemic placed a renewed focus on accelerating the digitalization efforts of life sciences and reducing the time of bringing a new drug to market. Biopharma companies that embrace the benefits of Industry 4.0 will unlock the potential to emerge as industry leaders.

This white paper created by IDBS, explores the bold vision that is Biopharma 4.0 and how to start the journey toward an advanced digital lab. In this report, IDBS provides best practices for scaling quickly using data from equipment, instruments and sensors to accelerate the biopharma lifecycle management, and provide the fuel needed to dive speed and innovation in the lab.

Download this white paper to find out why:

  • Biopharmaceuticals can transform global health.
  • Development time lost is the cost of the problem.
  • More than 60 per cent of biopharma organizations are still managing their critical process steps with paper, impacting operational effectiveness in biopharma development.
  • First-to-market advantages are only seen in fewer than half of cases after 10 years.
  • Extending intellectual property of a product will secure companies a place as a market leader.