Pharma IQ

How to deploy single-use technology to control frozen bulk drug storage

Pharma IQ | 09/29/2022

Today’s biopharmaceutical drug products are costly to develop and represent significant investment, particularly at the end of the manufacturing process.

Safe, cost-effective frozen storage and transport are critical, especially as drugs transition from R&D through to the clinical trial phase and high-volume production. Traditional methods for primary packaging in frozen applications have been glass and stainless-steel vessels, but they have significant shortcomings. These include being bulky, non-scalable and slowing down freezing and thawing of medicines.

To reduce costs, space requirements, the risk of contamination and the time and energy needed for sterilization processes, manufacturers are shifting to single-use bags. These help them to eliminate bulk, scale as necessary and better control freezing and thawing.

Download this white paper by Entegris to learn about:

  • The challenges of bulk drug substance storage and shipping
  • How pharmaceutical companies can shift to single-use technology to improve storage processes
  • The filling, freezing, transporting and thawing process requirements single-use packaging must meet
Download your copy

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