

A Profile of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry: Russia

The issues of increasing manufacturing capacity and improving processes have became a top priority for key industry players in the Russian Pharma market.

Under the "Pharma 2020" strategy, the government intends to help existing local pharmaceutical companies finance R&D in order to increase production of innovative pharmaceuticals and to encourage the development of new local companies.

The most significant objective of the plan is to have local manufacturers producing 50% of the drugs available by 2020, of which 80% will be innovative drugs. Many international players are looking to set up their own manufacturing facilities or contract manufacture in the region in order not to miss out exciting opportunities this market has to offer.

In conjunction with IQPC’s Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Forum Russia & CIS, taking place on 18-20 September 2012 in Moscow, Russia, Pharma IQ examines local and international stakeholders in the Russian pharmaceutical market and their market share.

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