

Hospitals Need to See Benefit in ICT for Mapping Capacity

Bryan Camoens | 10/10/2010

Dr. Erna Surjadi, Regional Adviser Gender, Women & Health, speaks to Bryan Camoens from Pharma IQ, on issues relating to patient load and epidemiological issues, CQMS and patient behaviour.

Pharma IQ: What are some of the key issues that need to be overcome when attempting to effectively manage influx and share patient load to ease and improve surge capacity?

E Surjadi: Patient load and surge capacity is related to infrastructure and epidemiological issues. For epidemiological issues we must be aware of epidemic, contagious diseases and treatment services including standard operating procedure (SOP) to prevent contamination. For both cases, ICT would empower hospital in easier mapping of capacity within adjustment infrastructure; and fast epidemiological analysis for effective treatment including case-networking.

Pharma IQ: What do you need to consider in the review and organisation of a clinical quality management systems (CQMS)?

E Surjadi: CQMS is part of the total quality management (TQM) and quality assurance (QA) towards patient safety and effective health care. Thus, all related factors to operational, technical (efficacy and precisibility), provider, financial and timely management are most important to be analysed, organised and sustained. A proper IT tool would give best benefit to the health care delivery services.

Pharma IQ: What are some of the key challenges when trying to understand the behaviour and values of customers?

E Surjadi: Customer relationship management (CRM) is built based on customer (IT) databases, comparative-trend, cultural preferences and socioeconomic pattern. A changed perspective customers, globalisation, health care technology/industry, proper analysis and multiuser services are great challenges in the 21st century.

Pharma IQ: 
In your opinion what needs to be done to when re-organising workflow processes to ensure timely patient transport and response times?

E Surjadi:
Timely patient transport and response time would rely best on available IT support, on mapping the infrastructure and appropriate treatment/services. Knowledge management will provide extra benefit to healthcare services information management and lead to higher patient satisfaction and safety.

Pharma IQ: Could you please tell us the challenges faced when streamlining workflow processes and realising the benefits of going digital?

E Surjadi: Not as classic marketing challenges, the healthcare industry needs readiness of decision makers and enough time to reload the complete ideas of e-health. Thus, good practices, interesting samples and fruitful discussion would be most important despite the compliance of all feasibility factors in building ICT in health facilities.

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