

IATA, Exelsius, United Cargo, American Airlines Cargo, Genzyme, Continental Cargo, Cathay Pacific Cargo and the Air Forwarders Association Discuss Regulation Changes and Operations of Temperature Sensitive Air Freight

Pharma IQ News | 08/31/2010

New York, NY and Philadelphia, PA – Pharma IQ, a division of IQPC, announces IATA, Exelsius, United Cargo, American Airlines Cargo, Genzyme, Continental Cargo, Cathay Pacific Cargo and the Air Forwarders Association will participate in the AIR CARGO 201 Seminar on Wednesday, September 22, 2010.  This seminar is part of the 8th Annual Cold Chain Distribution for Pharmaceuticals Global Forum taking place September 20-23, 2010 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, PA.

At the 2009 Cold Chain Distribution for Pharmaceuticals, Pharma IQ unveiled the “Interview with an Airline” panel discussion and yielded great insight into how airlines handled temperature sensitive pharmaceutical products.  This year’s AIR CARGO 201 will address the recent regulatory changes in air cargo handling, most notably IATA’s Chapter 17 and TSA’s 100% Screening Program.

The seminar will answer the critical questions surrounding air freight, including:

  • Have these recent regulations and developments made an impact on operating a robust supply chain in the air? And on the tarmac?
  • Is it realistic for agents and ground handlers to adhere to Chapter 17 guidelines?
  • How are service levels and agreements defined with agents? If issues arise, how are they resolved and how are risks mitigated?
  • Are ISO standards being worked into Quality Management Systems?
  • Can the industry standardize training and auditing of facilities?

“AIR CARGO 201 will truly gauge the progress in implementing greater control and visibility into handling temperature sensitive pharmaceuticals and will be beneficial for all cold chain stakeholders, such as air carriers, shippers, freight forwarders, 3PLs and the pharmaceutical manufacturers,” comments Pharma IQ Event Director, Courtney Becker-James.

AIR CARGO 201 will be moderated by Tony Wright, Managing Director of Exelsius Cold Chain Management Consultancy and Kevin O'Donnell, Director & Chief Technical Officer of Thermosafe and Chair of the IATA Time & Temperature Task Force.

Panelists include:

  • Don Harrison, Operations Excellence, United Cargo
  • Roger Samways, Director, Global Accounts and Sales Strategy, American Airlines Cargo
  • Larry Sweeney, Senior Director, Distribution and Logistics, Genzyme
  • Brandon Fried, Executive Director, Air Forwarders Association
  • Mark Mohr, Manager Product Development & Specialty Sales, Continental Cargo
  • Jack Lo, Cargo Product & Marketing Manager, CathayPacific Cargo

For additional information about AIR CARGO 201 and the 8th Annual Cold Chain Distribution for Pharmaceuticals Global Forum, visit or contact Courtney Becker-James, Pharma IQ Event Director at

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