

Repositive connects oncologists with cancer models

Pharma IQ News | 10/10/2018

Repositive launches limited-time free Personal Shopper Service, to connect researchers with difficult-to-source translational cancer models

Repositive, the Cambridge (UK) tech start-up that connects oncology researchers with the world of cancer models and the services they require to develop new treatments and cures, has announced a limited-time, free of charge, introductory service to its Cancer Models product.

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From 1 October to 31 December, commercial scientists working in translational oncology who are struggling to find translational cancer models can ask Repositive to conduct a free, tailored, confidential search for specific cancer models, through its new Personal Shopper Service. If the model can’t be found, Repositive will endeavour to find in its Cancer Models community a CRO (Contract Research Organisation) willing to develop the specific model needed. 

Repositive’s CEO and Founder, Fiona Nielsen, said: “We look forward to providing crucial support and solutions for everyone involved in finding life-changing and life-saving treatments for cancer. As well as benefitting the researchers and CROs who we will be connecting, the Personal Shopper Service will support the acceleration of our Cancer Models product’s development, too. As we build its capacity to find solutions for researchers from across the globe we will increase connections within the translational oncology community and firmly establish our position as the leading Cancer Models marketplace.

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“We’ve already slashed search times from two months to a week in some cases and put in touch companies who didn’t know the other existed. The Cancer Models product is poised to become by 2019 the world’s largest marketplace and community for translational cancer models, as we expand it beyond PDX to include CDX and syngeneic models, humanised mice, 3D ex vivo systems and other hosts and services."

By connecting organisations and finding suitable pre-clinical models, drug development projects are prioritised, ultimately accelerating the development of cancer therapies for patients. The Personal Shopper Service offers a truly goal oriented, win-win situation for Repositive, researchers and CROs.”

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Researchers interested in accessing the personal shopper service should complete an enquiry form, describing the required model characteristics and CRO services. Repositive will respond with a mutual Confidential Disclosure Agreement prior to conducting the bespoke search, without revealing the identity of the researcher, and will report on findings within a mutually agreed time period.

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