

CRISPR CAS9 Emerging Technologies

Pharma IQ News | 09/14/2015

The trailblazing CRISPR Cas9 technique has vastly widened the gene editing horizons for the R&D industry. The technique has been gaining popularity since its inception in 2013, with some job adverts in the R&D sector now requesting CRISPR experience as a skill requirement.

Due to CRISPR Cas9 being in its infancy, obvious areas for improvement can be identified – precision and efficiency being two key aspects. Recently specialists have been deploying the use of innovative technologies that allow scientists to overcome these drawbacks, like the use of predictive software to guide RNAs.

When asked if technology is vital to the progression of CRISPR, Dr Andrew Bassett Postdoctoral Fellow Genome Engineering Oxford responded: “Yes, I think it is. Certainly, for the moment it’s very usable in the lab. You can make mutations. But I think all of these new techniques are something which [are] going to be needed to be developed, and offer the opportunity to develop new approaches to be able to study gene function. In terms of the details of it in order to get high efficiency in a therapeutic context, there’s going to be a definite need for development.

“Just, for example, the off target effects. If you’re targeting in a dish with a few million cells, it’s not so dramatic. But if you’re targeting in the whole of the human body…you need to have an incredibly low off target rate in order for that to be relevant.”

Pharma IQ explores the cutting edge technology which is currently complimenting the CRISPR CAS9 method.

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