

Pharma IQ's Top Ten Pharmaceutical Associations

Pharma IQ | 05/23/2012

At Pharma IQ we work with lots of pharmaceutical associations and we wanted to put a list together of our favourite top ten! With that in mind we are pleased to be able to release the first in our series of Pharma IQ Pharmaceutical Association Awards. We have broken the list down into industry categories and suggest that you peruse our brief descriptions below and perhaps consider joining one.


is an international forum that addresses the technical, legal, ethical, and managerial issues relevant to repositories of biological and environmental specimens. Through ISBER you can connect with others with an interest in biospecimen science and biobanking. They are an experienced and diverse bunch in biology, computer science, marketing, management, environmental science, medicine, etc., with similar challenges in managing collections of environmental and biological specimens.

Pharma IQ likes; Wherever possible, the committee makes information on training courses and other educational opportunities available to members.


The mission of  Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) is to be the champion of biotechnology and the advocate for its member organizations, both large and small. BIO is a non-profit organization headquartered in Washington, D.C. It provides advocacy, business development, and communications services to its 1,100 members worldwide. Members get involved in the research and development of innovative healthcare, agricultural, industrial and environmental biotechnology products.

Pharma IQ likes; Love how fresh this website is and so easy to navigate around. A real advocate for biotech industry breakthroughs, which is so motivating in a challenging environment of economic uncertainty, critical public policy debates and the ongoing need for regulatory reform,  which often hinders investment in this industry.

Research and Development

The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) represents U.S. pharmaceutical research and biotechnology companies. PhRMA companies are leading the way in the search for new cures. PhRMA members alone invested an estimated $49.5 billion in 2011 in discovering and developing new medicines.

Pharma IQ likes; Very current with news and up-to-date reviews. We particularly like the ‘Issues’ section on their website which gives an informative overview of  the Biotech industry today and includes news and informative overviews on issues like counterfeit drugs.
European Focus

The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) represents the pharmaceutical industry operating in Europe. Through its direct membership of 31 national associations and 35 leading pharmaceutical companies, EFPIA is the voice on the EU scene of over 2,000 companies committed to researching, developing and bringing new medicines to patients.

Pharma IQ likes: We applaud the support that EFPIA offers many on-going battles and initiatives in Europe. They were recently recognised for their combined effort on the European Stakeholder Model (ESM), a European Medicines Verification project with the aim to prevent Falsified medicines from entering the European Supply Chain.
US Focus

The American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) has approximately 12,000 members employed in industry, academia, government, and other research institutes worldwide. AAPS offers timely scientific programs, ongoing education, information resources, opportunities for networking, and professional development.

Pharma IQ likes: Great e-learning platform which includes an impressive catalogue of webinars, offering electronic education opportunities for AAPS members and the scientific community.

In an era when increasing demands are being made on Europe’s health services, generic medicines ensure patient access to safe and effective medicines. The European Generic Medicines Association (EGA) is the official representative body of the European generic and biosimilar pharmaceutical industry, which is at the forefront of providing high-quality affordable medicines to the European market, stimulating competitiveness and innovation in the pharmaceutical sector.
Pharma IQ likes: Offers an up-to-date and informed opinion on Biosimilar Medicines and currently hosting a  lot of Biosimilar  information on their website

Laboratory Automation

The European Laboratory Robotics Interest Group (ELRIG) is a not-for-profit special interest group focused on the use of automation, robotics and instrumentation in the laboratory and also on the wider applications of laboratory automation. This organisation is run largely by volunteers and members range from scientists to business people. Their primary objective is to provide an open communication forum for users and vendors, within which members can be educated, share information and experience and network with other members.

Pharma IQ likes: Loving the virtual mall on the homepage of their website, this association is very current in providing technology information.
Science & Technology

The Controlled Release Society (CRS) is the premier society worldwide for delivery science and technology. CRS serves more than 1,600 members from more than 50 countries. Two-thirds of CRS membership represents industry and one-third represents academia and government.

Pharma IQ likes: This association makes a conscious effort in trying to connect members globally through their global chapters. Also, we really like the rolling news bar on the bottom left of the home page.
Personalised Medicine

The European Personalised Medicine Association EPEMED is a not-for-profit organisation, which was founded to address issues in personalised medicine that confront the industry, regulators, payers & insurers as well as governments. The organisation is directed by a dynamic and diverse group of leaders in the personalised medicine field, who have great expertise in the application and development of diagnostic tools to deliver improved patient care.

Pharma IQ likes: Good regulatory guidance on the co-development of diagnostic test and personalised drug therapy.
Clinical Research

The Institute of Clinical Research (ICR) is one of the world's premier organisations for professionals involved in the design, management and conduct of human clinical trials. Members are engaged in all aspects of work in clinical research, both directly and in the support services. The association currently has over 4000 members in 49 countries and provides highly regarded education and training, conferences and networking events, news updates and analysis on all aspects of clinical research.

Pharma IQ likes: The Institute offers high quality training, covering all aspects of clinical research. You can choose the training method that best suits you or your team from face-to-face to academic courses and even earn CPD points.


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