61.5% of Pharma Professionals Believe 2010 Worst Year Yet for Counterfeiting

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Pharma IQ News
Pharma IQ News

According to a new survey published by Pharma IQ on pharmaceutical anti-counterfeiting 61.5 percent respondents found that the threat of counterfeit medicines this year is more severe than ever and 53 percent admitted that they are planning to increase their budget for investment in the anti-counterfeiting area.

The survey, conducted in October 2010 among 1,000 pharma anti-counterfeiting specialists, revealed that 47 percent were not satisfied with the anti-counterfeiting tools and technologies they used and 84 percent declared that they were looking to invest in new solutions.

Emerging markets from Asia (especially China) were perceived as the major source of the anti-counterfeit drugs (50 percent ). 21.4 percent and 21 percent of respondents indicated internet and organised crime respectively as major threats for the pharmaceutical market.

Despite the overall belief that the threat of counterfeit medicines is constantly growing, the majority of respondents (84.6 percent) were actually quite optimistic about winning the war against pharmaceutical counterfeiters in the long run.

The survey was created as a part of the pre-conference research for Pharmaceutical Anti-Counterfeiting, taking place the 15th-17th February 2011 in Amsterdam. The results helped to shape the agenda and the final speaker line-up. David Shore, Director Global Security Europe from Pfizer will present a case study on successes and best practices in pharmaceutical anti-counterfeiting and Axel Fritz Meyer, Head of Complaint Service and Quality Support from Sanofi-Aventis will showcase the external and internal anti-counterfeiting methodologies to prevent counterfeits.

Other topics highlighted by survey responders that will be discussed at the event include: 

  • Securing The Pharmaceutical Supply Chain: How Global Standards Enable Traceability And Visibility (Jan Denecker, GS1 Global Office)
  • Pharmaceutical Counterfeiting: Assessing The Realities And Handling The Challenges (Andrew Jackson, Novartis)
  • Protecting Your Product Integrity and Revenue Streams from Diversion (John Franks, Merck)
  • Working closely with the authorities to track down and stamp out counterfeiting operations (a series of sessions led by German Customs, Dutch Customs and Europol)


To find out more, please visit www.pharmaceuticalanticounterfeiting.com, email enquire@iqpc.co.uk or call +44 (0) 207 368 9421.